The Roxana TOD Plan aims to implement a market based strategy for revitalizing two neighborhoods around the South Shore Station. The Arsh Group led efforts to create the vision for the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) plan, developing a set of strategies to achieve this vision. The plan proposes the transformation of the station area from a large parking lot into a bustling transit center that serves both commuters and visitors. The transit center is expected to foster new residential development and revitalize the neighborhoods and the corridors leading to the station. Major corridors will be transformed with a variety of “public realm” improvements to expand pedestrian and bicycle connectivity as well as a variety of mixed use developments. Roxana Marsh—a recently reestablished state preserve—will be designated as a new nature discovery center for the City with a host of recreational improvements. The center will attract visitors for social gathering, water based recreation, arts, and cultural activities. New gateway treatments—particularly along Michigan Street—would bring a new identity to the neighborhoods and provide an attractive entrance to the city.