Jacobs Square Redevelopment


Jacobs Square Redevelopment

Hammond, IN

United Neighborhood Inc., a CDC in the City of Hammond, initiated a revitalization program for this declining neighborhood in the heart of the City. The neighborhood was faced with several declining influences ranging from housing dilapidation to sever disinvestment. The initiative involved development of a master plan for the neighborhood and implement a series stabilization steps to make the community more sustainable and attractive for investment. In development of the Plan, the Arsh Group worked extensively with the community to develop the vision, redevelopment objectives, and implementation strategy to meet their needs. One element of this work was to develop a housing market analysis based on the resident’s capacity of payment.
The final plan consisted of series of strategies aimed at helping existing homeowners, assist renters, demolish several structures and construction new single family and duplex housing. The Arsh Group later assisted the CDC to access local and state ($375,000) fund for redevelopment activities.

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