Impact Fees

Road Impact Fee
St. John, IN

The Road Impact Fee is a one-time charge on all new developments to fund improvements and add capacity to the transportation system. The Arsh Group was retained by the Town of St. John to prepare the required analysis and studies consistent with the state statute and analytical methods. The analysis include modeling for future developments scenarios and calculating generated traffic for each scenario based on proposed land uses. This process requires identification of different land uses, potential future densities, and expected traffic generated for each use.

In development of the impact fee studies, the Arsh Group relies heavily on its extensive knowledge of real estate development, infrastructure planning, and analytical skills to determine an appropriate assessment fee. The analysis calculates the maximum impact fee that could be exacted by a municipality. The fee setting process requires establishment of an Advisory Committee which reviews all calculations, projections and modeling results. Following this review, the calculated fee is established. The Arsh Group will work with the legal counsel to draft enabling ordinance to institute the fee.

The Arsh Group has led the creation of multiple types of impact fees for several municipalities. Below is a summary of our work in this area.

Park Impact Fees
Cedar Lake, Merrillville, St. John, Schererville, and Winfield, IN

The Development Impact Fee is a one-time charge on new residential and other developments, where applicable, in growing communities. Impact fees are designed to ensure that new developments contribute a fair share of the cost of the capital improvements needed to serve the newly created demand. The assessment typically calculates the maximum impact fees that could be assessed by a municipality to help fund growth-related parks, road or other infrastructures.

The Arsh Group, based on requirements established by the State laws and analytical methods of assessment, works with communities interested to establish this fee. The Arsh Group will initially prepare an investigative report where the viability of such fee is examined. If the fee is determined to be viable and the fee collected is substantial, the Arsh Group will then recommend the preparation of a full assessment.

In development of the impact fee studies, the Arsh Group relies heavily on its extensive knowledge of real estate development, and infrastructure development planning, and analytical skills to develop and determine the assessment fee. The Arsh Group normally assists clients to set up an advisory committee required by the statute. The Arsh Group will then work with the committee to develop the fee and establish the charge rate based on approved criteria. Once the rate is approved, the Arsh Group will develop required ordinances for community approval to institute the fee.