Merrillville Historic District

Merrillville, IN

The Merrillville Historic District covers an area approximately 1.5 miles long along 73rd Avenue spanning from Van Buren Avenue on the west to Mississippi Street on the east. The Historic District serves to protect and preserve historical resources that still remain. The Historic District celebrates the tangible evidence of Merrillville’s past. It aims to recognize places and events from the town’s heritage that are important to the community and can enrich the citizen’s lives.

The efforts to preserve the oldest section of Merrillville was an effort not only to save historically significant structures and sites but also to save a cultural connection that has played a significant role in shaping the history of the area, its people, and the region for many centuries. By recommending specific actions, the preservation plan integrated preservation into Merrillville’s agenda so valuable historic assets serve as catalysts for economic and community development.

In May 2014, The Arsh Group completed “The Merrillville Historic Preservation Plan.”  The Plan describes District opportunities for preservation, development concepts, and design guidelines. Additionally, the Plan outlines the process for review and approval of structure alterations, additions, modifications, new construction and streetscaping. A significant part of “The Merrillville Historic Preservation Plan” was developing a series of design guidelines for the new district. Covering areas such as building form and placement, facades, landscaping, amenities, and new construction, the guidelines help define preferred and non-recommended design treatments to enhance the overall feel of the district.