Parrish Park

St. John, IN

The Parrish Park site is located near the intersection of Parrish Avenue and 99th Place. The Town of St. John acquired this parcel with the intention of developing a park to address an overall parkland deficiency in the southeast quadrant of the Town. The Arsh Group was retained to develop the master plan for the park site. With a mixture of natural areas (including a waterway in the far west end of the park) and open fields, the park design aims to preserve the natural ecosystem while providing ample spaces for a variety of play opportunities. Permeable trails will connect to the adjoining Three Springs neighborhood while minimizing the need for stormwater management. New landscaping throughout the site will protect neighboring lots as well as complement the existing landscaping on-site.

Because of the potential for the preservation of natural woodlands and wetlands, as well as the potential for other environmental enhancements, the Arsh Group led the efforts to obtain grant funding for the park’s development. Using this master plan as the base, the Arsh Group authored and assembled the grant application to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources for the Land and Water Conservation Grant. This work included a comprehensive site assessment detailing the suitability of the site for a park, as well as identifying opportunities for state-of-the-art environmental enhancements. Thanks to the Arsh Group’s efforts, the Town was awarded this grant in September 2019, with park development expected to begin in 2020.